Booking Process
To secure your date when booking Lavender Manor, you need to sign a contract and pay a non-refundable booking fee. The amount is based on your package selection. The booking fee is applied toward your overall balance. Final Venue Balance is due 8 months prior to your wedding or sooner if your date is closer than 8 months. All add-on’s are due 7 months prior to your wedding date. If you use our Caterer, your Catering Invoice is due 1 month prior to your wedding date.
Our catering has packages for all tastes and budgets. Lavender Manor can add our caterer to any of our wedding packages. This is not required though catering can be booked directly with us.
If you choose to bring in a different caterer, you’ll need to have them contact us prior to you booking them. We require proof of business license and business insurance. All caterers must be full-service caterers that provide staff that stays onsite through the buffet/service set up, dinner, and clean up
Note: We do not allow “self-catering” (family or friends bringing in and setting up your own food).
Alcohol Service and Bartending
All Bartenders are required to have a Mast Permit, Business License and Business Insurance. All alcohol is to be served by the bartender.
Permitted Alcohol
We allow the service of beer, wine, champagne, wine coolers, and hard seltzers. NO hard liquor (mixed drinks or shots) is allowed on the property, and all alcohol must be served by the licensed and insured bartender. If any alcohol is consumed any other way, including the parking lot, the bar will be shut down.
Banquet Permit
WA State Liquor Control Board Banquet Permit is a state requirement for the service of alcohol at a private event.
Music is allowed until 10 p.m., which results in the latest departure time after load out of your personal belongings no later than 11 p.m.
Wedding Rehearsal
Each wedding includes a ceremony rehearsal. Around 6 weeks prior to the wedding, we will reach out to schedule this appointment. Normally, this reservation will take place 1-2 days prior to your wedding. You also have the option of having the rehearsal the “day-of” upon arrival by adding it to the beginning of your day.
Setup and Cleanup
We take care of setting up all Lavender Manor furniture and amenities prior to your arrival and teardown at the end of your night – including trash removal. All you have to take care of is set up and clean up your personal belongings; this includes items such as any decorations you brought in, cleaning up both dressing rooms and removal of your cards and gifts.
Inclement Weather
We have inclement weather options ready to put in place so your event goes off without a need for concern. We watch the weather closely the week of the wedding and will reach out to you in advance if an immediate decision is necessary or simply gauge the situation.
For the additional services provided in our packages, we have partnered with specific vendors and we do require the use of those vendors through the package. For services not included in your package selection, we do not require the use of any specific vendors, however, we will share our recommendations with you if desired! If any of your vendors or services that are provided by anyone other than Lavender Manor contracted Partner Vendors we will need a copy of their business license and liability insurance at least 4-6 months prior to your wedding day.
We require General Liability and Cancellation/Postponement Insurance policies – this is a benefit to you as it protects you from things out of your control. We will provide recommendations for this requirement!
Let’s Connect
Contact Lavender Manor today to book your venue tour or to save your date.